
Monday, January 30, 2017

Adoption and Big Scary Dollar Signs

I need to talk to you about adoption and that thing that scares everyone about it: money. 

You know, the devil hates adoption.  He HATES the idea that someone would believe the Gospel so whole-heartedly that they would live it out and adopt, and love, and cherish, and bring into their family as a co-heir with their biological sons and daughters a child of no blood relation to them.  He hates that Christians would willingly go through stress and anxiety and work and meetings with social workers and financial sacrifice and struggle in order to make their own one who was not their own.   He reviles it.  Because adoption is soaked in Gospel implications.  And it spells his own doom.  It reminds him of the Child born to a scared teenage girl, adopted by an earthly father, who will one day return to crush him.  He couldn’t destroy that child, so he will try to destroy other vulnerable children and adoptions.    

The first thing he whispers into the ear of would-be adoptive parents is: “you can’t afford it.”   

Newborn and international adoptions have some big scary dollar signs attached.  And Satan wants hopeful adoptive parents to run the other way.  It’s not worth the sacrifice.  The cost can seem so dark and looming that the whole idea appears impossible.  God will never provide that much.  But it’s not impossible.  It is exactly the kind of impractical and improbable lifework - requiring self-sacrifice, pain, and perseverance - that God loves to do to put the glory of the Gospel of Christ on display in this darkened world.

Now this post isn’t really for adopting families.  They know all this. 

I’m talking to you:  those of you not adopting.  This message is for you. 

Adoptive families need you

Adoptive families are not walking down this path in their own strength and with (only) their own resources – or at least they shouldn’t be.  God is probably not going to give them a one-time-only gift of the Holy Spirit that allows them to conjure money out of thin air in order to finance an adoption.  He is going to use YOU. 

He is going to use you to pray.  And he is going to use you to give. 

Pray for strength, perseverance, and joyfulness in the trials that come.  Pray for wisdom and clarity on moving forward in the process. 

Pray for money.  Adoptive families really need you to pray for money.  It sounds crass, but it’s reality.  I think we can sometimes have the feeling that it’s more spiritual to not talk about money. But adoption takes money.  Lots and lots of money.  Money money money.  Money (I'm trying to help us get past the awkwardness).  Money (Is it working?).

Pray for that adoptive family to be provided the funds they need and then ask God how much he wants you to give.  Maybe he’ll say nothing.  But he might say five dollars.  Or five hundred.  

You may not be adopting, but you have everything to do with this.  You are members of the body of  Christ, and your fellow member needs a lot of money – that they don’t have - to do a God-honoring thing.  They have stepped out in faith, and now it’s your turn.  Pray and give. 

Walk alongside your brothers and sisters in Christ and show Satan that he will not win this battle.  The dollar signs are big, but our faith is bigger.  And together, our pockets are deep for the work of God. 

The church will stand together against the culture of death-by-abortion.  The church will raise up families who open their homes to the fatherless.  The church will be a beacon of hope to women facing crisis pregnancies.  The church will have open arms for children of all races, health, abilities, nationalities, and backgrounds.  The church will live sacrificially.  The church will give sacrificially.  Supporting adoption – in word and prayer and deed – is a huge part of how we do this.  

Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.  1 John 3:18

Photo Credit: Alan Levine  Creative Commons Licensing

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