
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What's Growing in the Garden: Week 1

I am addicted to gardening.  It is actually a problem sometimes, i.e. when we lived with another family for six weeks yet I managed to start or buy over 100 vegetable, fruit, and herb plants.  Forget the fact that we had no house or yard, I also purchased 6 blueberry bushes and 8 blackberry canes from a local grower.  I'm like the crazy cat lady, but the crazy plant lady.  And the children are my disciples.  My four-year-old cannot walk by a stand full of seed packets in the grocery store without grabbing a handful and exclaiming "CUCUMBERS!  PUMPKINS!  RED LIGHTNING MCQUEEN FLOWERS!!!  LET'S PLANT THESE!!!"  And I usually say okay, and then we have more peat pots full of plants.

This is what my "grocery" shopping cart looked like last week.  In my defense, there was an awesome sale on peonies and hostas and the house desperately needs some landscaping! 

All this to say, we have only lived here for about ten days, but I already have a lot growing!  Every afternoon while the kids play outside I try to plant a few things or dig a few more holes.  After all, they need to get in the ground before they outgrow their pots or it gets too hot and my investment in growing and purchasing is gone.

So far I have an herb garden started in the shade of a big tree and about half of one row of the vegetable garden.  In the veggie garden I have planted some tomatoes, parsley, basil, bush green beans, snow peas, calendula, marigolds, two types of lettuce, celery, and summer squash.  I still have watermelon, winter squash, cucumbers and more of everything else to add.  Here are some pictures, mostly of the herb plants. Enjoy!

Starting to dig.  The soil is loamy and rich and the sod comes up easily!  I was so happy I could have cried!
The first fifteen feet or so of the vegetable garden is planted!

Calendula - a medicinal and beneficial insect attracting flower



In the shade/herb garden...I don't know what this is but I separated it from a parent plant in our host family's yard because it was pretty...

Ditto with these...some sort of interesting succulent in the shade garden

Lavender I started as cuttings from our host family's lavender plant

Parsley started from a separation from our host family's plant

"Silver Posie" Thyme

Variegated Sage

Lemon Balm

Fancy French Lavender

Bok Choy started from the base of some bok choy I put in a stir fry last week 

Soli Deo Gloria,


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