
Monday, July 7, 2014

What's Growing in the Garden After 3 Months

A flourishing grouping of a tomato plant, calendula, marigolds, green beans, and red and green leaf lettuce

Snap peas growing up their trellis - we're harvesting them every morning now

Red basil and sweet basil and a cluster of green beans, just setting out flowers

Swiss chard peeking out from around the edges of the snap peas

The second row is only half dug

In the second row you see romaine lettuce, spinach, green beans, a bell pepper plant, more green beans, more spinach, two tomato plants, then a trellis for the cucumbers
Before (May)

After (July)

Yellow squash, just staked up to get the leaves off the ground.  They were beginning to get powdery mildew

Snap peas forming

One of the first tomatoes

Green bean flower

The lettuce that just keeps giving - it has been harvested half a dozen times already

My attempt at ornamental gardening!  

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